JeffManas: Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge - Snail
JeffManas: Don Edwards NWR - Greater Yellowlegs and raindrops
JeffManas: Don Edwards SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge - Shovelers
JeffManas: Don Edwards NWR - American Avocets
JeffManas: Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge - View north over 84 to Coyote Hills Regional Park
JeffManas: Don Edwards NWR - Great Egret
JeffManas: Don Edwards NWR - Coopers Hawk
JeffManas: USFWS - Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge - Blind, and Dumbarton Bridge
JeffManas: NWS - Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge - Black-necked stilt
JeffManas: NWS - Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge - Bonaparte's Gulls
JeffManas: Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge - Great Egret
JeffManas: Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge - Great Blue Heron
JeffManas: Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge - No Hunting
JeffManas: Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge - Great Blue Heron