EdgarDiazRocks: sunbaked
EdgarDiazRocks: keep your tractor's
EdgarDiazRocks: aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?
EdgarDiazRocks: barn storming
EdgarDiazRocks: chrome camo
EdgarDiazRocks: soviet supreme
EdgarDiazRocks: spinners
EdgarDiazRocks: a plane so nice i named my daughter after it
EdgarDiazRocks: in the category of machines that changed the course of history
EdgarDiazRocks: this is a cessna 140A
EdgarDiazRocks: you can't stop a buick
EdgarDiazRocks: circles of winners
EdgarDiazRocks: where's your nose?
EdgarDiazRocks: the rust bucket
EdgarDiazRocks: mustacheoed