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albums of Eddy WU~
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Leica IIIf & Leica M3 DS
201312 Lisbon
NYC 2013
Hasselblad 500C (1958)
Cinque terre + Pisa 2013
Original Rolleiflex 6x6 K1 (Model 612). Product of 1929
Kodak Petite (1929)
Ihagee Kine Exakta - the first 35mm SLR (1936)
Kodak Retina type 117, product of 1934-1935
Kodak Retina 118
The simplest way to use 600 film in Polaroid SX-70 – by attaching a ND filter to the lens
Polaroid SX-70 SONAR OneStep. Product of 1978
Polaroid Land Camera 450. Product of 1971.
Basel Summer 2011
Olympus Chrome Six RIIB. Product of 1955
20101205 Stuttgart Mercedes-Benz Museum
20101204-05 German Stuttgart Christmas Market
20101204 German Freiburg Photo Market
20101127-28 Lugano 盧加諾
My Amazon Kindle 3
Test Shots of Filters from Herzogenbuchsee Fotomarket
2010 June Seoul 首爾
2010 Sept Barcelona
First Week in Basel
Test Shots of Olympus E-P2 + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 17mm f2.8
OM2SP + 55mm f/1.2 & 24mm f/2.8 ZUIKO Lens
OM ZUIKO 135mm f2.8 MC AUTO-T
My HERMES Money Clip
OM-2SP (OM-2S Program) + ZUIKO 50mm f/1.8
2009 Novartis HIPO trip - 杭州、蘇州、上海
20090404 悲情城市<九份>遊
20090321 第一次到台灣人的婚禮
20090315 Fergus' Home & 基隆夜市
20090221-22 宜蘭行
2009 牛年台北燈會
20090207 Davis Cup - 中華台北對哈薩克 台維斯盃
20081230 "京奧九號"farewell 2008 Party
20081228 中學同學 Xmas & Housewarming Party
20081225 Hse2000 Xmas Party
20081212 SCAA Annual Dinner 南華會周年晚宴
20081206 BBQ後飲野
20081122 Beijing Olympic Volunteer Certificate Presentation Ceremony + BBQ gathering
20081003-1114 US San Francisco Part II
20081003-1114 US San Francisco Part I
20081115 CSP gathering @ HK Park
20081115 Philip's Admission Ceremony
20081018 北角循道小學四十四周年盆菜宴
20081018 CSP October Fun
20080814 鐘樓>九門小吃>駐京辦>孔乙己
BJ2008 Olympic Pins 奧運紀念襟章
20081005 McDonald's Birthday Party 生日會
20080813 老舍茶館>正陽橋>摩唆族人之夜
2008 Summer - Cebu & Bohol Island
Mobile SnapShot
20080921 京奧義工同遊迪士尼 Disneyland
20080811 南鑼鼓巷>秀水街>小王府晚膳>三里屯
20080810 圓明苑
20080808 迎聖火>南鑼鼓巷午膳>錢櫃看開幕
20080805 茶馬古道晚餐>骨幹到訪
我在奧運村的日子 - 同心結工作及花絮 (含港隊升旗儀式)
20080802 離港>到達人大
20080803 人大早餐>辦証>七九八>老北京晚餐>404開會
Olympic Village 我們的奧運村 BJ2008
2008 April Milan
Hong Kong 香港
My Random Shots
My Toys
My Olympus 1030SW