EddyG9: Party at Pam and Steve's
EddyG9: My Employees Hard at Work
EddyG9: Susan at Pam and Steve's House
EddyG9: The Group
EddyG9: Hurricane Gustav
EddyG9: IMG_7017_6_1
EddyG9: World Trade Center
EddyG9: Julia Street
EddyG9: Tree 2
EddyG9: Tree 1
EddyG9: NOPD down Tchoupitulas
EddyG9: Julia and Tchoups towards the Riverwalk
EddyG9: Julia and Tchoups towards Loyola Avenue
EddyG9: Checking the Damage
EddyG9: Susan Helping Mother Nature
EddyG9: St. Thomas and Felicity
EddyG9: Mr. Doug
EddyG9: Camp St. and Race
EddyG9: Lissa's House
EddyG9: St. Charles and Dufossat
EddyG9: St. Charles and Nashville
EddyG9: St. Charles and Broadway
EddyG9: St. Charles and Cherokee
EddyG9: Broadway and Jeanette
EddyG9: Fat Harry's After the Storm
EddyG9: The Republic on South Peter's
EddyG9: Food is Great
EddyG9: After the Storm Gathering
EddyG9: Pool Cleaning
EddyG9: Cleaning the Drains 2