eddiemcfish: Have you had a training in medicine
eddiemcfish: It's a thingy, isn't it
eddiemcfish: you should have seen the equipment this one had
eddiemcfish: seams just gaping open
eddiemcfish: I'm just wonderin' what it reminds me of
eddiemcfish: You can mix the drinks for you and Sandra
eddiemcfish: You've got to stick it in
eddiemcfish: The wheel, Ted
eddiemcfish: We only slipped out Betty
eddiemcfish: You're stupid you are, Betty
eddiemcfish: She was four months gone herself
eddiemcfish: She'll be all right
eddiemcfish: The juggler from Yorkshire, Mr Johnny Perry
eddiemcfish: You can't just give him four!
eddiemcfish: can we have your marks on the juggler Johnny Perry?
eddiemcfish: Come on Betty, love
eddiemcfish: Isn't it funny, the way things turn out?
eddiemcfish: There's not going to be a wedding, is there
eddiemcfish: Just sit down quietly and there'll be no trouble
eddiemcfish: I'll just sit here
eddiemcfish: Cannabis Number Six
eddiemcfish: He doesn't know
eddiemcfish: Go on then, explain
eddiemcfish: Sandra wants a change
eddiemcfish: She's got to run away
eddiemcfish: That's how I meant it to be
eddiemcfish: Well that's what he tells everyone, isn't it?
eddiemcfish: It's going against nature!
eddiemcfish: She might have had the central heating put in, but it's obvious she can't afford to switch it on...
eddiemcfish: We're not even going to get married!