fred babyflo: cave entrance
fred babyflo: how solid are these rocks?
fred babyflo: flowstone
fred babyflo: flowstone detail
fred babyflo: side entrance
fred babyflo: Mick sees the light
fred babyflo: Fred looks for light, doesn't see it
fred babyflo: Tigger tree
fred babyflo: Tigger tree detail
fred babyflo: Mick at another cave
fred babyflo: they look lavender to me
fred babyflo: watching the river flow
fred babyflo: bike break
fred babyflo: just dandy
fred babyflo: blast furnace top
fred babyflo: mysteries of the Virginia pyramid
fred babyflo: Foster Falls Furnace
fred babyflo: blast furnace from the hill above
fred babyflo: blast furnace and the New River
fred babyflo: Shot Tower
fred babyflo: leaning Tower of Shot
fred babyflo: the same old road that brought us there
fred babyflo: glasses shadow
fred babyflo: magic 8-shift
fred babyflo: Easter chillin'