fred babyflo: yo homes, smell ya later
fred babyflo: Lilly checks out a stranger
fred babyflo: Granny Goat
fred babyflo: new kids in the barn
fred babyflo: kid with a view
fred babyflo: new kids in town
fred babyflo: former corn crib, Matzah Rising
fred babyflo: barn Matzah
fred babyflo: Matzah Farm rising
fred babyflo: catch a fire
fred babyflo: stand back and watch it sizzle
fred babyflo: Gerry puts it to the torch
fred babyflo: where there's smoke, there's a crowd
fred babyflo: torching the green with kerosene
fred babyflo: hole in the fire
fred babyflo: smokin'
fred babyflo: pieces of flare
fred babyflo: Jessica directs the fire
fred babyflo: Sam basks in the glow
fred babyflo: crackle crackle crackle
fred babyflo: stop taking my picture!
fred babyflo: Gerry, armed and ready
fred babyflo: Gerry the master burner