eddiandizosmom: Dolly in the Yard
eddiandizosmom: 180:365 "Too-Da-Loo"
eddiandizosmom: The score never interested me, only the game. (Mae West)
eddiandizosmom: 195:365 "a new baby is like the beginning of all things - wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities."
eddiandizosmom: 210:365 "Dolly in the Mints"
eddiandizosmom: Book Love: Dolly Style
eddiandizosmom: Dolly Loves a Good Book
eddiandizosmom: Play a Song for Me
eddiandizosmom: 224:365 "Happy National Vinyl Record Day"
eddiandizosmom: 226:365 "show your besties some love"
eddiandizosmom: Going up she goes, Up she goes
eddiandizosmom: Baby at the Pageant
eddiandizosmom: 3:366 "You went to Rosa's Without Me?"
eddiandizosmom: Dilly got Dolly