Ed Bierman: Crab
Ed Bierman: diving102911-2
Ed Bierman: Hydrocoral
Ed Bierman: Hydrocoral
Ed Bierman: Hydrocoral
Ed Bierman: Cowry Shell amongst other life
Ed Bierman: Cowry Shell amongst other life
Ed Bierman: Hydrocoral
Ed Bierman: Hydrocoral
Ed Bierman: Crab
Ed Bierman: Crab
Ed Bierman: Hydrocoral
Ed Bierman: Little big of algae
Ed Bierman: Turban snails and anenome
Ed Bierman: Orange sponge and starfish
Ed Bierman: Greenling
Ed Bierman: diving102911-18
Ed Bierman: Yellow Dorid
Ed Bierman: Sponge
Ed Bierman: Puff ball sponge
Ed Bierman: Puff ball sponge