mazwade13657: St Andrewgate 1 (detail 1)
mazwade13657: St Andrewgate 1 (detail 2)
mazwade13657: St Andrewgate 2 (detail 1)
mazwade13657: St Andrewgate 2 (detail 2)
mazwade13657: The Golden Fleece (detail) 1
mazwade13657: The Golden Fleece (detail) 2
mazwade13657: The Golden Fleece (detail) 3
mazwade13657: Barnitts Cat 1, King's Square
mazwade13657: Barnitts Cat 2, King's Square
mazwade13657: Le Langhe, Goodramgate (detail)
mazwade13657: Le Langhe, Goodramgate (detail) 2
mazwade13657: York Glass (detail)
mazwade13657: Meltons 2 cat, Walmgate
mazwade13657: Stall in King's Square
mazwade13657: King's Square cat and pigeon
mazwade13657: Low Ousegate 2
mazwade13657: Low Ousegate 1
mazwade13657: Coney Street back overlooking River Ouse
mazwade13657: Clinton Cards, Coney Street 1 (detail)
mazwade13657: Clinton Cards, Coney Street 2 (detail)
mazwade13657: Edinburgh Woollen Mill (detail)
mazwade13657: The Black Swan, Peasholme Green (detail) 1
mazwade13657: The Black Swan, Peasholme Green (detail) 2
mazwade13657: Bishy Road cat
mazwade13657: Alley behind Knavesmire Crescent
mazwade13657: The Mount (detail)
mazwade13657: Briar House Resources, Museum Street (detail)
mazwade13657: Cactus Trading Post, Gillygate (detail)
mazwade13657: Cat Gallery, Low Petergate (detail)
mazwade13657: J W Knowles, Stonegate (detail)