epicture's: Sunset on the beach.
epicture's: Lapa - Rio de Janeiro
epicture's: in a blink of an eye the moment is gone.... it could have been a good shot.
epicture's: Friends
epicture's: The symphony is over...
epicture's: Toastie loves green
epicture's: Looking for monkeys... :-)
epicture's: the headless man and the ladies...
epicture's: Looking up....
epicture's: no g11 for sale there...
epicture's: Largo do Boticário, Cosme Velho
epicture's: Toys for the boys
epicture's: Julia
epicture's: from down under.... where have i heard that before? ;-D
epicture's: "down by the seashore, where life is a little easier!"
epicture's: Theatro Municipal 3/4 - The seats
epicture's: Theatro Municipal 4/4 - Cafe do Teatro, Asian style decoration with some colorful mosaics and sculptures.
epicture's: Theatro Municipal 2/4 - Looking down the main entrance
epicture's: Turn on the TV and watch it!
epicture's: Turn on the TV and watch it!
epicture's: I didn't have lunch there... they didn't have choc shakes!!!! :-O (but I liked the tropical decor lol)
epicture's: They have the best brioche and the yumiest chocolate eclair in town!
epicture's: Street Market - They sell more than just bananas here...
epicture's: Street Market - Flowers of all colors
epicture's: Livraria da Travessa - Bookshop
epicture's: The entire mall is decorated with pink and yellow orchids...
epicture's: Largo do Machado - So green, so beautiful!
epicture's: Largo do Machado - Fountain and Nossa Senhora da Gloria Church
epicture's: Largo do Machado - One of the kiosks had beautiful sunflowers.