epicture's: Beachcombing, my favorite hobby.
epicture's: Open the gate and come in, my teeny garden is a magical place...
epicture's: Pink is special! xoxo
epicture's: Just had to send a wish for love and laughter!
epicture's: A card to myself!
epicture's: Getting ready....
epicture's: "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the BIG things." (Robert Brault)
epicture's: New Year's Resolutions: "Learn how to shoot still life photography."
epicture's: All my best wishes in a long distance hug...
epicture's: "Show your teeth!"
epicture's: Don and Miquel, thanks for your help.
epicture's: Wish upon a star
epicture's: Peter Pan
epicture's: Xmas Card
epicture's: "There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments." -- Janet Kilburn Phillips
epicture's: Orchid
epicture's: orange
epicture's: Xmas is around the corner!!
epicture's: Friends...
epicture's: once i spoke the language of the flowers
epicture's: Benvingut Pau! Welcome Pau!
epicture's: Friendship is about being there...
epicture's: Garlic
epicture's: It's Hubby's bday and we will celebrate it with a delicious pizza in Barcelona, wanna come? Cumpleaños del Hubby y lo celebraremos con una deliciosa pizza en Barcelona, quieres venir?
epicture's: Today's a very special day.... Un día muy especial...
epicture's: Wishing you not only flowers, but ALSO some yummy chocolate eggs!!
epicture's: Sergi's birthday 2/6