epicture's: Some say it's the greatest show on Earth. Algunos dicen que es el mayor espetáculo de la tierra.
epicture's: A great show is about to start! Un gran espetáculo a punto de empezar!
epicture's: Enjoy, live it up to each detail, sing along! Aprovecha, disfruta con cada detalle, canta con ellos!
epicture's: Beautiful girl....
epicture's: Rhythm. Ritmo.
epicture's: Some were born singing and dancing. Algunos nacieron cantando y bailando.
epicture's: Poor Pierrot...
epicture's: Colombine looking for Harlequin...
epicture's: Colombine and Harlequin... Poor Pierrot must be crying somewhere.
epicture's: The girl from Ipanema
epicture's: flip flops for some, thongs for others... :-)
epicture's: Can you hear the music? Puedes oir la musica?
epicture's: Wish upon a star...
epicture's: We can go for a walk. Podemos caminar.
epicture's: Lapa - Rio de Janeiro