epicture's: La Pedrera, ayer o hoy?
epicture's: Barcelona...
epicture's: Sagrada Familia
epicture's: InSide.OutSide.NoSide.WhichSide?
epicture's: Spaces of Silence
epicture's: Shapes and Shadows
epicture's: Carrer del Bispe
epicture's: The Old and the New joined in a warm embrace...
epicture's: Self-Portrait...
epicture's: Fountain and Street Lamp
epicture's: Just thinking....
epicture's: Unintentional Snapshot...
epicture's: Young Daddy in the Park
epicture's: Sagrada Familia, Barcelona
epicture's: Street light
epicture's: A little rainbow...
epicture's: Woman and baby
epicture's: An explosion of happiness
epicture's: A lonely place...
epicture's: Spaces of Silence
epicture's: Spaces of Silence
epicture's: Just Having a Good Time!
epicture's: Lines, Curves and Shapes...
epicture's: Somewhere in the Future...
epicture's: Barcelona is nice...
epicture's: He was also laughing... :-))
epicture's: Keep a straight face if you can...
epicture's: I should try before I die: 1) To play a musical instrument.
epicture's: Museo Marítimo de Barcelona
epicture's: The light for the dark nights and the umbrella for the wet days...