Ed Fulton: Attic Grave Marker
Ed Fulton: Attic Grave Marker
Ed Fulton: Kylix depicting a Centaur with rock and tree
Ed Fulton: Panathenaic amphora
Ed Fulton: Panathenaic amphora
Ed Fulton: Neck Amphora, ca. 520 BCE.
Ed Fulton: The Navel of the Universe - The Omphalos of Delphi
Ed Fulton: The struggle between Apollo and Herakles
Ed Fulton: Attic Lekythos from Ancient Sikyon, ca. 450BCE
Ed Fulton: Detail of a plate by Psiax, Athens, ca. 510BCE.
Ed Fulton: Fragment of a Krater, Puglia (Ἰαπυγία), ca. 390BCE
Ed Fulton: Kylix by Onesimos, Athens, ca. 490BCE
Ed Fulton: Cycladic figurine, ca. 2500 BCE
Ed Fulton: Boeotian Late Geometric pyxis, ca. 740 BCE
Ed Fulton: Ring-shaped flask from Cyprus, ca. 800 BCE
Ed Fulton: Tankard from Cyprus, ca. 1500 BCE
Ed Fulton: Jug from Cyprus, ca. 2000 BCE
Ed Fulton: Spartan grave relief, ca. 540 BCE.
Ed Fulton: Hoplite athlete: Attic red-figure kylix, ca. 490 BCE
Ed Fulton: Herakles fights with Apollo for the Delphic Tripod
Ed Fulton: Attic black-figure kylix, ca. 530 BCE, by Exekias
Ed Fulton: 'Kouros of Tenea', Korinth, ca. 560BCE
Ed Fulton: 'Aphrodite of Knidos' - ca. 350BCE
Ed Fulton: Perfume bottle, ca. 540 BCE
Ed Fulton: Mycenaean Octopus jar, ca. 1350 BCE
Ed Fulton: The National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Ed Fulton: The National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Ed Fulton: The National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Ed Fulton: The National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Ed Fulton: Ζεύς - Zeus