Ed Fulton: Above Moughton Whetstone Hole
Ed Fulton: Clouds over Kingsdale and Whernside
Ed Fulton: Ingleborough and Pen y Ghent
Ed Fulton: Pen y Ghent - a view no longer possible
Ed Fulton: Enclosed
Ed Fulton: Pecca Twin Falls, Ingleton
Ed Fulton: Thornton Force, Ingleton
Ed Fulton: Thornton Force, Ingleton
Ed Fulton: Beezley Falls, Ingleton
Ed Fulton: Baxengill Gorge, Ingleton
Ed Fulton: Ingleborough from the Turbary Road
Ed Fulton: Descent towards Crummackdale
Ed Fulton: Pen y Ghent
Ed Fulton: Pen y Ghent
Ed Fulton: Ingleborough from Southerscales
Ed Fulton: Whernside and Chapel-le-Dale
Ed Fulton: Ingleborough from Southerscales
Ed Fulton: In Crummackdale
Ed Fulton: Descent towards Crummackdale
Ed Fulton: Above Moughton Whetstone Hole
Ed Fulton: On the limestone plateau of Moughton
Ed Fulton: On the limestone plateau of Moughton
Ed Fulton: Pen y Ghent from Sulber
Ed Fulton: Pen y Ghent from Over Pasture
Ed Fulton: Ingleborough from Southerscales Scars
Ed Fulton: Ingleborough from Southerscales Scars
Ed Fulton: Whernside from Southerscales Scars
Ed Fulton: Scar Close NNR
Ed Fulton: Scar Close NNR
Ed Fulton: Craven skyscape