Ed Fulton: Ancient Corinth
Ed Fulton: Temple of Zeus at Olympia - West Pediment
Ed Fulton: Temple of Zeus at Olympia - East Pediment - iPhone panorama
Ed Fulton: A walk around Hermes and the Infant Dionysus
Ed Fulton: A walk around Hermes and the Infant Dionysus
Ed Fulton: The Archaeological Museum of Delphi - The Charioteer
Ed Fulton: The Archaeological Museum of Delphi - Kylix with drawing of Apollo
Ed Fulton: The Archaeological Museum of Delphi
Ed Fulton: The Archaeological Museum of Delphi
Ed Fulton: Attic Lekythos from Ancient Sikyon, ca. 450BCE
Ed Fulton: The struggle between Apollo and Herakles
Ed Fulton: The Navel of the Universe - The Omphalos of Delphi