Ed Fulton: . . and now the quince 2
Ed Fulton: . . and now the quince 3
Ed Fulton: . . and now the quince 4
Ed Fulton: Spring 2013 - Plum, Peach, Walnut
Ed Fulton: im Sommerwind II
Ed Fulton: Fibonacci pollen bath
Ed Fulton: Sunflower
Ed Fulton: Spider packaging a grasshopper
Ed Fulton: Araneus quadratus - Four-spot Orbweaver - Vierfleckkreuzspinne
Ed Fulton: Araneus quadratus - Four-spot Orbweaver - Vierfleckkreuzspinne
Ed Fulton: Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta
Ed Fulton: Small Copper - Kleiner Feuerfalter - Lycaena phlaeas
Ed Fulton: Poppy time
Ed Fulton: Poppy time
Ed Fulton: In June - Daucus carota
Ed Fulton: Marbled White - Schachbrett - Melanargia galathea
Ed Fulton: In July
Ed Fulton: In the garden in July
Ed Fulton: In the garden in July
Ed Fulton: Large White - Großer Kohlweißling - Pieris brassicae
Ed Fulton: European Peacock - Tagpfauenauge - Inachis io
Ed Fulton: Ringlet - Brauner Waldvogel - Aphantopus hyperantus
Ed Fulton: Ringlet - Brauner Waldvogel - Aphantopus hyperantus
Ed Fulton: Small Skipper - Braunkolbiger Braun-Dickkopffalter - Thymelicus sylvestris
Ed Fulton: Small Skipper - Braunkolbiger Braun-Dickkopffalter - Thymelicus sylvestris
Ed Fulton: Swallowtail - Schwalbenschwanz - Papilio machaon Caterpillar on Fennel
Ed Fulton: Swallowtail - Schwalbenschwanz - Papilio machaon Chrysalis on Fennel
Ed Fulton: In The Garden In October
Ed Fulton: Iced Catkins
Ed Fulton: Salix purpurea