Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Fertilization.......
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Il Condominio
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): The King n.2
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): ......Fiume Sentino n.2
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): ...........papaveri
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): ............Rosa di maggio
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): ....................????????? Garzetta???????
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): luna
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Aporocactus flagelliformis
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Campagna a strisce - Country with white and green stripes
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Who are you? What do you want???????
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Rifugio laghi Colbricon - metri 1927
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): The cat - il gatto
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): The bridge and the fish
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Portonovo (AN) n.3 - Italy - Riviera del Conero - "Il Trave"
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): .....e poi torna sempre il sereno!
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Le Marche in autunno - Marche(Italy) autumn skyline
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Paesaggio dolomitico
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Autunno marchigiano in texture (With my mobile phone)
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Paesaggio alpino
Uscè (OFF,OFF!!!!!): Sheet of water