Ecoagriculture Partners: 2013-03-06 13.40.28
Ecoagriculture Partners: MERET Landscapes
Ecoagriculture Partners: MERET Landscapes
Ecoagriculture Partners: MERET Landscapes
Ecoagriculture Partners: MERET Landscapes
Ecoagriculture Partners: MERET Landscapes
Ecoagriculture Partners: MERET Landscapes
Ecoagriculture Partners: Ambassador Olaniran and Sara Scherr participate in group discussion
Ecoagriculture Partners: The Fishbowl Exercise
Ecoagriculture Partners: Kitengela Landscape
Ecoagriculture Partners: Kitengela Landscape
Ecoagriculture Partners: Biogas at the Keekonyokie Slaughterhouse
Ecoagriculture Partners: Walking through fenced pasture near the Keekonyokie Livestock Field School
Ecoagriculture Partners: Keekonyokie Livestock Field School
Ecoagriculture Partners: Donkey and acacia near the Keekonyokie Livestock Field School
Ecoagriculture Partners: Corraled calf near the Keekonyokie Livestock Field School
Ecoagriculture Partners: Zebras near the Keekonyokie Livestock Field School
Ecoagriculture Partners: A commercial cut flower operation in Naivasha, Kenya.
Ecoagriculture Partners: Homestead among rice fields
Ecoagriculture Partners: Trees, rice and mountains
Ecoagriculture Partners: Small homestead with homegarden
Ecoagriculture Partners: Water Buffalo
Ecoagriculture Partners: Rice terrace in Bali, Indonesia
Ecoagriculture Partners: Rice Landscape
Ecoagriculture Partners: Woman farmer