Eco-Wilson: Owl Cluster (NGC457)
Eco-Wilson: M46, M47 & NGC2438
Eco-Wilson: M45 (Pleiades/ Seven Sister Cluster)
Eco-Wilson: Double Cluster (NGC869, NGC884)
Eco-Wilson: M44 (Beehive Cluster)
Eco-Wilson: The Pleiades (M45)
Eco-Wilson: M38 and IC417
Eco-Wilson: M46 and NGC2438
Eco-Wilson: NGC7635 (Bubble Nebula) and M52
Eco-Wilson: False Comet: NGC6231 & IC4628
Eco-Wilson: M6 (6405), M7 (NGC6475)
Eco-Wilson: M46 & NGC2438
Eco-Wilson: Double Cluster (NGC884 & NGC869)
Eco-Wilson: M53 and NGC5053 (contrasting globular)