UncommonEye: SPT 4-24-08
UncommonEye: Gold Medalist!
UncommonEye: Charming.
UncommonEye: tidal basin - d.c.
UncommonEye: alex and the washington monument
UncommonEye: Two cool cats...
UncommonEye: A beautiful day...
UncommonEye: SPT 9-13-07
UncommonEye: proud Aunt Lisa
UncommonEye: Me and Jeanne
UncommonEye: Yale boys...
UncommonEye: soaked!
UncommonEye: just me!
UncommonEye: alex's marshmallow
UncommonEye: relax...
UncommonEye: me & the boys
UncommonEye: wheat field
UncommonEye: pink carnation
UncommonEye: one contented cat
UncommonEye: oak enjoys the breeze
UncommonEye: bridge
UncommonEye: tadpoles
UncommonEye: friendly white chicken
UncommonEye: me, taken by Jay
UncommonEye: happy clean boy
UncommonEye: water cat