eclecticlibrarian: Ermagherd - welcerme ter mah herme
eclecticlibrarian: I hope they sing HOT TO GO
eclecticlibrarian: Don’t be a Creeper
eclecticlibrarian: Safe Space
eclecticlibrarian: Carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man
eclecticlibrarian: peer review
eclecticlibrarian: Chill the fuck out.
eclecticlibrarian: Rick and Morty
eclecticlibrarian: This place is so gay!! #HappyPride
eclecticlibrarian: Homo Sweet Homo #HappyPride
eclecticlibrarian: 9th, 10th, & 11th Doctors
eclecticlibrarian: Jingle ALL the way
eclecticlibrarian: FaSoLawsome
eclecticlibrarian: snowglobe ornament
eclecticlibrarian: don we now our gay apparel
eclecticlibrarian: I have a degree.
eclecticlibrarian: StL- St. Louis Cardinals
eclecticlibrarian: It's not a crack house, it's a crack home.
eclecticlibrarian: Home is where the wifi connects automatically.