eclectic echoes:
Time to return...
eclectic echoes:
Everything gathered...
eclectic echoes:
Reeling in the baseline tape
eclectic echoes:
Slack removed, re-measuring the point
eclectic echoes:
Checking the tape
eclectic echoes:
Running the tape
eclectic echoes:
Students wait for dive master to set the baseline
eclectic echoes:
Mapping the wreck
eclectic echoes:
Black Sea Bass
eclectic echoes:
Radial Power
eclectic echoes:
Gears, Mounts and pistons.
eclectic echoes:
Radial Power
eclectic echoes:
Tire, still there
eclectic echoes:
Time and sea take it's toll
eclectic echoes:
Scamp Face
eclectic echoes:
Bandtail Puffer Closeup
eclectic echoes:
Winter Flounder Closeup
eclectic echoes:
Northern Pipefish
eclectic echoes:
"Older" Spotfin
eclectic echoes:
Mmmmm, snack!!
eclectic echoes:
Northern Star Coral
eclectic echoes:
Bandtailed Puffer settling in nicely.
eclectic echoes:
Tiny little Spotfin
eclectic echoes:
Spotfin Trio
eclectic echoes:
Pink Comb Jelly
eclectic echoes:
Shame-faced Crab Daytime routine
eclectic echoes:
Dude, love the hair!
eclectic echoes:
Northern Puffer II
eclectic echoes:
Northern Puffer