Erik Eckilson: Heading out from Potter Hill
Erik Eckilson: Cows in the field
Erik Eckilson: Surprised they don't swim away - I guess cows swim...
Erik Eckilson: Family outing
Erik Eckilson: Entrance to the White Rock Millrace
Erik Eckilson: Retaining wall from the old White Rock Dam
Erik Eckilson: Restored river bed after the White Rock Dam removal
Erik Eckilson: View upstream
Erik Eckilson: A quickwater section
Erik Eckilson: Paul goes right
Erik Eckilson: Everyone else goes left
Erik Eckilson: Passing the White Rock Mill
Erik Eckilson: Approaching Westerly
Erik Eckilson: Quickwater section in Westerly
Erik Eckilson: Quickwater section in Westerly
Erik Eckilson: Geese crossing
Erik Eckilson: Approaching the take-out
Erik Eckilson: The crew at the take out