Erik Eckilson: Heading out from the Winchendon Canoe Launch
Erik Eckilson: Poling boats in the lead
Erik Eckilson: Followed by the touring boats
Erik Eckilson: Earl finds some moving water
Erik Eckilson: Trying to catch the wave
Erik Eckilson: The crew takes a break - Earl, Erik, Dan and Bob
Erik Eckilson: New Boston Road Bridge under water
Erik Eckilson: Dan takes the plunge
Erik Eckilson: Poling across the New Boston Road Bridge
Erik Eckilson: Bob on the paddle guitar
Erik Eckilson: Paddling through the trees
Erik Eckilson: Paddling through the trees
Erik Eckilson: King Philip Rock
Erik Eckilson: Break time - sure beats working
Erik Eckilson: Paddling through open water that is usually dry land
Erik Eckilson: Approaching Lake Dennison
Erik Eckilson: The bridge at Lake Dennision was also under water
Erik Eckilson: Up a short section of the Otter River
Erik Eckilson: Back to the confluence with the Millers
Erik Eckilson: Approaching the Birch Hill Dam - pool at 14-feet
Erik Eckilson: The canoe launch is under water
Erik Eckilson: Checking out the map
Erik Eckilson: Checking out our options from the top of the dam
Erik Eckilson: View of the river from the top of the dam
Erik Eckilson: Boats on carts, ready to portage
Erik Eckilson: Portage down River Road
Erik Eckilson: Back on the water for the short section below the dam
Erik Eckilson: A side trip to Doanes Falls on the way home
Erik Eckilson: Trip map