Erik Eckilson: Heading out
Erik Eckilson: Bob downstream
Erik Eckilson: Into the marshland
Erik Eckilson: Up Bagastow Brook
Erik Eckilson: GBH on South End Pond
Erik Eckilson: Conrad and Ellen
Erik Eckilson: Erik and Bill
Erik Eckilson: Back down Bagastow Brook
Erik Eckilson: The leaves are turning
Erik Eckilson: Approaching Rocky Narrows
Erik Eckilson: The picnic area is around here somewhere
Erik Eckilson: Need to try camping here sometime
Erik Eckilson: The campsite
Erik Eckilson: Taking in the view
Erik Eckilson: Yup - that's water chestnut
Erik Eckilson: Ellen and Conrad
Erik Eckilson: Erik and Bill
Erik Eckilson: Takeout at Bridge Street