Erik Eckilson: The Trailhead
Erik Eckilson: Heading out through the swampland boardwalks
Erik Eckilson: Tha's me
Erik Eckilson: Our fearless Leader
Erik Eckilson: Top of Delano Pond
Erik Eckilson: On the hillside along Brackett pond
Erik Eckilson: The crew
Erik Eckilson: King of the rock - now how do I get down>
Erik Eckilson: Down the trail
Erik Eckilson: Taking a break
Erik Eckilson: Bridge between Brackett and Collins Ponds
Erik Eckilson: The paddlers - Bob, Erik, Bill and Jonathan
Erik Eckilson: On the Bay Circuit Trail
Erik Eckilson: One last shot before the trailhead
Erik Eckilson: Harold State Forest Trail Map