Erik Eckilson:
Morning fog
Erik Eckilson:
Horseshoe Point Cottage
Erik Eckilson:
Oyster Farm near Ram Island
Erik Eckilson:
The sun trying to break through
Erik Eckilson:
Erik Eckilson:
Erik Eckilson:
Harbor Island
Erik Eckilson:
Harbor Island
Erik Eckilson:
Harbor Island
Erik Eckilson:
Toby Point
Erik Eckilson:
The Narrows
Erik Eckilson:
Short Point
Erik Eckilson:
Congdon Cove
Erik Eckilson:
Smelt Brook Cove
Erik Eckilson:
Smelt Brook Cove
Erik Eckilson:
Smelt Brook Cove
Erik Eckilson:
Ram Island
Erik Eckilson:
Ram Island
Erik Eckilson:
Ram Island
Erik Eckilson:
Harbor Island