Erik Eckilson: Put-in at Ben Smith Dam
Erik Eckilson: Below the Ben Smith Dam - Brooke
Erik Eckilson: Below the Ben Smith Dam - Brooke
Erik Eckilson: Great Road Bridge
Erik Eckilson: Crack Baby - Brooke
Erik Eckilson: Crack Baby - Brooke
Erik Eckilson: Pass the flask - helps to stay warm
Erik Eckilson: Icicles at the Mill Street Bridge
Erik Eckilson: Mill Waves - Andy
Erik Eckilson: Mill Waves - Brooke
Erik Eckilson: Mill Waves - Andy
Erik Eckilson: Mill Waves - Andy
Erik Eckilson: Mill Waves - Brooke
Erik Eckilson: Starting to snow
Erik Eckilson: Approaching the Walnut Street Bridge
Erik Eckilson: Ice on the boat at the take-out
Erik Eckilson: Boatsicles
Erik Eckilson: Water on the lens and snow in the air, but a happy crew at the end of the run - Andy, Erik and Brooke
Erik Eckilson: Time for the snowy drive home