ecila photography: slight overcast in the vatican city
ecila photography: stone vines
ecila photography: model of the Vatican City
ecila photography: The Last Supper
ecila photography: Enjoying the new wing, Braccio Nuovo
ecila photography: one of the many decorative ceilings
ecila photography: if I was using lightroom 3 I would fix all these perspectives
ecila photography: School of Athens
ecila photography: spiral staircase
ecila photography: side view of the spiral staircase
ecila photography: columns and shades
ecila photography: Saints watching over St. Peter's Square
ecila photography: Light flowing into Saint Peter's Basilica
ecila photography: Interior of Saint Peter's Basilica
ecila photography: Ceiling of Saint Peter's Basilica
ecila photography: Godly figure painted above
ecila photography: Daytime crowds at the Trevi Fountain
ecila photography: The Trevi Fountain
ecila photography: Roman windows
ecila photography: The Roman Coliseum
ecila photography: interior of the coliseum
ecila photography: Looking down the coliseum
ecila photography: A sunny day
ecila photography: exploring the upper deck
ecila photography: looking out a screen towards the street
ecila photography: Roman Coliseum from Palatine Hill
ecila photography: Constantine Arch
ecila photography: Looking towards Palatine Hill