ecila photography: the inverted pyramid
ecila photography: a closer shot of the construction of the pyramid
ecila photography: mona lisa's entourage
ecila photography: looking up
ecila photography: Looking out towards the pyramid
ecila photography: curves and arches
ecila photography: painting a painting
ecila photography: One of the fountains outside of the louve
ecila photography: one of the sculpture rooms
ecila photography: a shot from a stairwell in Napoleon's apartments
ecila photography: how would dinner with Napolean be like?
ecila photography: close up at one of the chandeliers
ecila photography: today was a gorgeous day in Paris
ecila photography: room of large paintings
ecila photography: more arches & stairs
ecila photography: outside the louvre
ecila photography: jardin des tuileries
ecila photography: a fountain by the Parisian Obelisk