Echo_29: OPEN
Echo_29: Ibex Hills
Echo_29: Touring a bit before heading to camp.
Echo_29: Across Saratoga Springs
Echo_29: Saratoga Springs
Echo_29: Cima!
Echo_29: Owlshead Mountains at Dawn
Echo_29: Lost Lake found
Echo_29: James signing in.
Echo_29: Lost cabin
Echo_29: Hikers...
Echo_29: Dry Lake
Echo_29: Quail Mountains
Echo_29: Red
Echo_29: Lenticular
Echo_29: Squiggle
Echo_29: End of the road
Echo_29: Earth Scope Project
Echo_29: Peering into China Lake Naval Weapons Station
Echo_29: Gigapanning
Echo_29: Dome
Echo_29: Trailhead
Echo_29: Freddie on the dash
Echo_29: DVNP
Echo_29: Fort Irwin
Echo_29: Vista
Echo_29: Owl Hole Spring
Echo_29: Same photo, different lenses...
Echo_29: Boy and his dog