echeng: Humpback mother and calf (Megaptera noveangliae)
echeng: Humpback mother and calf (Megaptera noveangliae)
echeng: Humpback mother and calf (Megaptera noveangliae)
echeng: Humpback mother and calf (Megaptera noveangliae)
echeng: Humpback mother and calf (Megaptera noveangliae)
echeng: Humpback mother and calf (Megaptera noveangliae)
echeng: Humpback mother and calf (Megaptera noveangliae)
echeng: Humpback mother and calf (Megaptera noveangliae)
echeng: Bizarre humpback calf breach (Megaptera noveangliae)
echeng: Humpback calf tail slap (Megaptera noveangliae)
echeng: Humpback calf breach (Megaptera noveangliae)
echeng: Humpback whale mother and calf, Tonga