eccentrophile: Great Blue Heron sticknests
eccentrophile: Great Blue Heron colony
eccentrophile: Great Blue Heron
eccentrophile: Trillium
eccentrophile: Spring Beauty
eccentrophile: spring flower
eccentrophile: mushrooms
eccentrophile: flooded swamp
eccentrophile: swampy sedges
eccentrophile: Phalaris arundinaceae
eccentrophile: Phalaris arundinaceae
eccentrophile: Spotted Jewel Weed
eccentrophile: Swamp Milkweed
eccentrophile: Dog-strangling Vine flowers
eccentrophile: Dog-strangling Vine
eccentrophile: Me & Claudia
eccentrophile: The rare and elusive Tire Python
eccentrophile: Fly Agaric
eccentrophile: Flowering-rush
eccentrophile: Mimulus ringens
eccentrophile: Cheltenham Badlands
eccentrophile: Cheltenham Badlands