ecbasil5: Our first Newfoundland hike
ecbasil5: Lichens and pitchers
ecbasil5: The pitcher plant: Newfoundland's provincial flower
ecbasil5: Remnants of a bog fire
ecbasil5: Bog with the Blow-Me-Down Mountains behind
ecbasil5: Pitcher plant world
ecbasil5: Spruce on the bog
ecbasil5: Rose-like
ecbasil5: Red to green
ecbasil5: Knee deep on the bog
ecbasil5: Blues, greens / water, trees
ecbasil5: Rocks and water
ecbasil5: Shoreside
ecbasil5: A mighty cave
ecbasil5: Western Brook bog walk
ecbasil5: Spruce framed view
ecbasil5: Western Brook boats
ecbasil5: Tuckamore sundown
ecbasil5: Emphasis on the light at Lobster Cove
ecbasil5: Cape Spear picket line
ecbasil5: St. John's narrows lighthouse
ecbasil5: Seaside geology lesson
ecbasil5: Rock, sea, and sky
ecbasil5: Signal Hill at dusk
ecbasil5: Your St. John's twine source
ecbasil5: On the edge
ecbasil5: Tablelands boardwalk
ecbasil5: Tablelands descent
ecbasil5: Larix at The Tablelands