ecbasil5: The team & fans at The Black Dog!
ecbasil5: Ready to get this race started
ecbasil5: Another good Falmouth Race?
ecbasil5: The view at Exchange #1
ecbasil5: Tiered Casino View
ecbasil5: The route into Exchange #1
ecbasil5: Just about to hand-off at Exchange #1
ecbasil5: Done with Leg #1!
ecbasil5: Yum Yum - Pomegranate Energy Gummy Honey Things
ecbasil5: Waiting at Exchange #3
ecbasil5: The Hand-off
ecbasil5: I think I was seeing spots too
ecbasil5: Can't wait to finish
ecbasil5: Couldn't have done it without Abigail and Eric!
ecbasil5: At School in Falmouth
ecbasil5: My absolutely favorite spot on the marathon route
ecbasil5: Pines at the Lighthouse
ecbasil5: Wood's Hole / Falmouth Lighthouse
ecbasil5: CIMG2297
ecbasil5: Wood's Hole Harbor
ecbasil5: Captain Kidd's
ecbasil5: Woods Hole Information Abloom
ecbasil5: New England Charm
ecbasil5: Wood's Hole Sunset Fishing
ecbasil5: Ship Building
ecbasil5: Ivy at the Oceanographic Insititue Laboratories
ecbasil5: Pink Sky at Night