ecbasil5: Big Tooth Aspen
ecbasil5: Flattened Petioles of the Big Tooth Aspen
ecbasil5: Striped Maple Moosewood
ecbasil5: Red Maple
ecbasil5: Red Oak (left) and Black Oak (right) Seedlings
ecbasil5: CIMG0209
ecbasil5: Sweet Pepper Bush
ecbasil5: Highbush Blueberry
ecbasil5: Bog Walking
ecbasil5: Stunted Growth on the Bog
ecbasil5: Dainty Bog Flora
ecbasil5: The Quaking Bog Vista
ecbasil5: Bog Talk
ecbasil5: Atlantic White Cedar
ecbasil5: Surface of the bog
ecbasil5: Sea-like bog flora
ecbasil5: Bog Colors
ecbasil5: Atlantic White Cedar Regular Mortality in the Bog
ecbasil5: Bog Mushrooms
ecbasil5: American Chestnut