ecbasil5: The Cargo Van
ecbasil5: If only we didn't have this suitcase with wheels...
ecbasil5: Kirkwood's light packing
ecbasil5: Happy at Exchange 1
ecbasil5: What better to do during a traffic jam?
ecbasil5: Exchange 4
ecbasil5: Getting ready
ecbasil5: Nice team t-shirts!
ecbasil5: Pre-relay team shot
ecbasil5: Our one team 1:40pm start
ecbasil5: CIMG2037
ecbasil5: CIMG2038
ecbasil5: Hydration, hydration, hydration
ecbasil5: At the start line
ecbasil5: Fast & furious @ Exchange 6
ecbasil5: Downtime at Exchange 1
ecbasil5: Anne's trademark pose
ecbasil5: Exchange 1 Approach
ecbasil5: Ashokan Reservoir
ecbasil5: Peering in at the Ashokan Reservoir
ecbasil5: Don't you hate it when a leg ends on a hill?
ecbasil5: Blurry, but cute
ecbasil5: Reminds me of the deer attack Anne later experiences
ecbasil5: Exchange 5
ecbasil5: Rolfing - It does exist!
ecbasil5: Lucky Night Exchange 13
ecbasil5: Relay wounds
ecbasil5: Approach to the Mount Kisco Exchange
ecbasil5: The Bedford Exchange
ecbasil5: Mount Kisco scenary