ec1jack: Joe and Chris
ec1jack: Chris getting into the Eurovision party mood
ec1jack: Biagio in front of the U.K. entrants of the "Eurovision Song Contest" wall
ec1jack: Craig
ec1jack: Joe
ec1jack: Biagio tossing the pizza dough
ec1jack: Yasmin, Sheralyn and Biagio
ec1jack: Yasmin
ec1jack: Joe
ec1jack: Craig watching Eurovision
ec1jack: Yasmin and Sheralyn
ec1jack: Amber, Sheralyn and Yasmin
ec1jack: Biagio and Pizza
ec1jack: Biagio and his rising dough
ec1jack: Ricky
ec1jack: Amber
ec1jack: Eurovision night
ec1jack: Ricky
ec1jack: Yasmin
ec1jack: Biagio
ec1jack: Craig is shocked that Azerbaijan have won Eurovision
ec1jack: Leroy and Joseph
ec1jack: Chris loves his garlic bread
ec1jack: Watching Jedward on Eurovision
ec1jack: Amber and Sheralyn
ec1jack: Eurovision voting sheet. But who did I vote for?
ec1jack: Leroy and Joseph
ec1jack: Biagio
ec1jack: Craig
ec1jack: Joe spilt the pizza sauce but Biag is cleaning it up.