ebxtreme-ness: Dave's looking hawt!
ebxtreme-ness: The Fromme-pa-Loam-pahs kicking things off.
ebxtreme-ness: James announcing the rules. Rules?? What rules?!?
ebxtreme-ness: Deb getting setup
ebxtreme-ness: Deb and Dave on the climb up.
ebxtreme-ness: Sharon and Dave climbing to Lower Oil Can
ebxtreme-ness: Sharon poaching one of Wade's beers.
ebxtreme-ness: Wade catching us poaching his beers.
ebxtreme-ness: Dave helping Wade out with a beer.
ebxtreme-ness: Dress for Success.......or is it Senior Prom?
ebxtreme-ness: Sharon at the end of Lower Oil Can
ebxtreme-ness: Doggies chillin out.
ebxtreme-ness: The boys chillin' out.
ebxtreme-ness: Sharon coming down the end of the Baden Powell.
ebxtreme-ness: Sharon's all smiles.
ebxtreme-ness: Dave hiking in the snow on 7th Secret.
ebxtreme-ness: The brodie tent next to us.
ebxtreme-ness: Deb and Dave trying to figure out the riddle.
ebxtreme-ness: Dave on a logride
ebxtreme-ness: Lance on a nice rock face.
ebxtreme-ness: Lance hitting a drop / gap
ebxtreme-ness: Lance hitting a gap.
ebxtreme-ness: P1000537
ebxtreme-ness: Lance on a nice gapper
ebxtreme-ness: Mutton on a Steep
ebxtreme-ness: Deb nailing a rock slab!
ebxtreme-ness: Dave on a rock slab.