Scully Photo: Take No Prisoners!
Scully Photo: The nose knows
Scully Photo: Sleeping Bull
Scully Photo: Taking it Easy
Scully Photo: Sniffing Bull
Scully Photo: Profile of a Ram
Scully Photo: Curious Sheep
Scully Photo: WHO'S HERE?
Scully Photo: Donkey Witness Protection Program?
Scully Photo: Got any snacks?
Scully Photo: Yes? I'm waiting....
Scully Photo: Get Me OUT of HERE!
Scully Photo: Busy lady
Scully Photo: A Ram and his flock
Scully Photo: Sweet Baby
Scully Photo: Cloven
Scully Photo: On the move
Scully Photo: Pig Pen
Scully Photo: Pig Pen
Scully Photo: Escaped Piglet
Scully Photo: Drunk.
Scully Photo: DSC_0570.jpg
Scully Photo: Oink oink
Scully Photo: Prison Break
Scully Photo: Piglets
Scully Photo: Nudge, nudge