Dr Papillon and Hoedic: On strike cemetery
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: On strike cemetery
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: On strike cemetery
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: On strike cemetery
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: On strike cemetery
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: On strike cemetery
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: On strike cemetery
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: On strike cemetery
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: On strike cemetery
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: On strike cemetery
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Cartierville in fall
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Old Montreal in fall
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Outremont in fall
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Outremont in fall
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Outremont in fall
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Outremont in fall
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Jardin botanique 2003
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Mosaïcultures Montréal 2003
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Montréal 2003
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Not a little thing being built there
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Wheat in the garden of the "Great Librairy" (?)
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Not a little thing being built there
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Not a little thing being built there
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Fountain in Outremont
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Pensionnat du Saint-Nom-de-Marie
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Montreal is full of lilies
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Montreal is full of flowers