Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Safran and the hot clothes
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Safran in the sun
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Bagheera on the other side of that window
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Bagheera on the other side of that window
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Safran and Bagheera enjoy springtime
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Safran and Bagheera outside in the springtime
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Springtime smells good
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Fighting for that sunny place
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Bagheera in the sun
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Itchy Bagheera
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Safran et Bagheera
Dr Papillon and Hoedic: Bagheera, annoyed by the camera