genmon: Somewhere between Chicago and Los Angeles, from the train window, a place I've never visited except through glass and velocity
genmon: My impression is we could all do with some photos of deserts today. Am I correct?
genmon: Lucky cat
genmon: You could play this photograph like a music score and it would sound like Steve Reich
genmon: I stayed at a hotel that employs robots and segregates the fleshers
genmon: Relativist's liar paradox, embodied on the side of a cup of chai tea latte from Starbucks
genmon: This is a sunbeam a half way up the ridge wall somewhere in the south west corner of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington State,
genmon: Let's be clear about this,
genmon: Go to an Apple Store, pop open at one of the public machines. It picks up fake email which appears to be sent out every few days from central headquarters
genmon: How now, brown cow
genmon: I've heard about this,
genmon: Cows to date
genmon: Roses are not red
genmon: Fig. 1. Today's view from the office
genmon: Improvisational ridiculousness
genmon: Assembled
genmon: Pigeon patterns