genmon: Down over the valley
genmon: Outwards, away from the mountain
genmon: Sunbeams
genmon: 'The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.'
genmon: Magical
genmon: Pockets of fog wash and tumble slowly across the ridge wall as the sun heats the trees. Beams of sunlight are illuminated momentarily, and they sparkle for maybe only a minute before disappearing again
genmon: Sunbeam
genmon: I switchbacked down this trail forever
genmon: Leaves
genmon: Bursting out of a gloomy trail to see the valley after valley ahead of you, painted with firs
genmon: I left my heart here
genmon: 3 hours down Wonderland Trail from Longmire, a waterfall on Devil's Dream Creek
genmon: Lunchtime on day two
genmon: Evening
genmon: Meadows on the other side of the High Skyline Trail
genmon: Meadows, mountain
genmon: Mountain
genmon: Edge of the mountain
genmon: Snow
genmon: Beginning of the snowfields
genmon: Plant, rock, mountain
genmon: Trail cut into rock
genmon: Blues and blues and blues
genmon: There was a creak or some other kind of noise from the snow that I heard
genmon: You can see some glaciers
genmon: The mountain
genmon: Looking back
genmon: Beginning the Skyline Trail
genmon: Meadows at Paradise
genmon: Driving to Mount Rainier, WA