ebatty: Junior and Keila (3)
ebatty: Junior, Keila and Antonio, Keila's father
ebatty: Junior and Maria, Keila's mother
ebatty: Junior and Keila sneaking champagne into their bag
ebatty: Paula greeting her Aunt Celeste
ebatty: Aunt Celeste and Paula
ebatty: Paula, her cousin Shirley and husband Francisco
ebatty: Aunt Celeste and Paula (2)
ebatty: Junior trying to prove that he's taller than Paula (if she takes her shoes off!)
ebatty: Junior and Paula
ebatty: Lunch at Keila's aunt's house
ebatty: Junior and his ring bearer
ebatty: Paula at Keila's house
ebatty: JJ with his ring bearer and flower girl
ebatty: Junior running everyone round town before the wedding!
ebatty: Francisco, Shirley and Paula outside the church
ebatty: Inside the church
ebatty: Junior and Paula (2)
ebatty: Outside the church before the service
ebatty: Paula and the girls
ebatty: Aunt Celeste and Paula (3)
ebatty: Paula looking after the bride's bouquet
ebatty: Junior and Keila after the service
ebatty: Junior and Keila leaving for the reception
ebatty: Paula, Junior and Keila
ebatty: Donna Maria and Paula
ebatty: Junior, Paula, Keila, Aunt Celeste, and Shirley
ebatty: General view of the reception
ebatty: Shirley, Junior, Keila, and Francisco
ebatty: Junior, Keila and friends