ebatty: Trousers with red dirt
ebatty: Paula outside our hut
ebatty: Me in my safari gear and wellies!
ebatty: Paula and our guide Mario
ebatty: Flower in the rainforest
ebatty: Paula thinking about doing a tarzan!
ebatty: Trees
ebatty: Fallen branches block our path
ebatty: Hanging creeper
ebatty: Mario works on clearing the path with his machete
ebatty: We have a way through!
ebatty: Paula in the rainforest
ebatty: Caterpillars
ebatty: Beetle
ebatty: Me and Paula
ebatty: Mario and Paula
ebatty: Mario and Paula
ebatty: A wasps nest
ebatty: Near the Yacutinga lodge
ebatty: Orchid
ebatty: Our hut at Yacutinga
ebatty: Paula in a hammock
ebatty: Me in the trees
ebatty: Walkway through the trees
ebatty: Butterfly in Argentinean Rainforest
ebatty: Orchid
ebatty: Going on a boat trip
ebatty: Going along the river
ebatty: Clearing branches out of the way
ebatty: The mighty river Iguazu