eb78: ha!
eb78: sun god
eb78: they live we sleep!
eb78: parking lot of despair
eb78: devour
eb78: hanx popscaper
eb78: claire
eb78: no medicine for regret
eb78: hella fitzgerald
eb78: oddfellow
eb78: mung monster
eb78: they killed oscar grant
eb78: smile more
eb78: in to the light
eb78: evil lurks
eb78: buff this
eb78: be love
eb78: smile
eb78: try to be happy
eb78: heart
eb78: i will miss you
eb78: run like the wind
eb78: heaven was full
eb78: orange
eb78: stop paying for internet
eb78: oh love
eb78: obscura
eb78: depressed and alone
eb78: get high
eb78: a-ok