Eric 213: Wall frog
Eric 213: Wall frog
Eric 213: Neighbor in the morning
Eric 213: Neighbor (close)
Eric 213: Welcome... to Kaiyo!
Eric 213: Close up fly on red
Eric 213: Close up fly on green
Eric 213: It's what's for lunch
Eric 213: When he's not sliding down the branch
Eric 213: Sleep time
Eric 213: Drooling duck
Eric 213: Koi in the Ike
Eric 213: Wild turtles bite!
Eric 213: Hornets
Eric 213: "A Girl and Her Dog"
Eric 213: Asian Giant Hornet
Eric 213: Nap time
Eric 213: Speedy Gonzales
Eric 213: Waiter!
Eric 213: Greens for the green machine
Eric 213: Death's Lair
Eric 213: Creepy Crawler
Eric 213: You're getting veeeeery sleepy~ ~ ~
Eric 213: 135L Test: Distance Focusing
Eric 213: 135L Test: Motion Focusing
Eric 213: Shishikui's Lone Wanderer
Eric 213: You're In My 'Hood Now
Eric 213: Murder In His Eyes
Eric 213: Hidden Traveler